Wednesday, October 8, 2014

my crazy goal

There are really crazy things i wanna do... that maybe many people out there it a waste of time... Like no function or will give any benefit if i do it... but... it my personal interest.. the thing i want to achieve... the benefit or function is beyond their mind... here the listing :

1. Buy 2 ways plane tickets in same day... to any destination... The goal is.. just to ride a plane... then go back in same day

2. Ride KTM and LRT from the first station to the last station... and never take off from the train... Just sit in the train enjoying sightseeing

3. Bungee jumping XDDD

4. Play bubble with the one I love

5. Playing rain with the one I love

6. Drive my car to anyway I want (done that already)

7. Travel with my husband around malaysia just by driving... ^^

8. Watching sunset with the one I love on any hill or highest place

9. Watching the night sky with my husband....

And the listing start being  romantic instead of crazy... but the first two i really wanna do it...

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